Happy Saturday Babes!
Currently on my couch cuddled up with Bryan and Cookie, I’m getting over a cold so were staying in this weekend. I wanted to share this outfit with you because I got so much love on it on my Instagram! My good friend Jessica was the sweetest and gave me this bag last month and I fell in love with it which inspired me to create a fun outfit with it.

This look definitely has a youthful feel to it, I knew that if I was going to have pastels be the focus I needed to make everything else a neutral color. In the fall I usually make my neutral black, but with Spring and Summer around the corner I like to make my primary neutral white. I notice it has a brighter impact and just has a “happier” feel to it. haha 🙂

The most popular thing about my outfit though has been these boots. You babes have all asked me where I got them and I grabbed them during a sale which means they are all sold out! 🙁
But as always I made sure to link similar ones for you below. If you read my last blog post on my linen culottes, I talked about how I believe in investing into key pieces. These boots for me are a trend, so it wasn’t an item that I personally invested in but it could be an investment for you! Do you see yourself wearing it often or in a few years? Can you create 3 different outfits in your head with it? Those are some key questions I usually ask myself.

Another tip for you, is to just have fun when you’re getting dressed. I understand when we work we have to dress a certain way, but on date nights or fun days with the girls have fun with your outfit! Life is to short to constantly grab those yoga pants and tee on your days off. Don’t get me wrong I have days where I just want to throw on jeans and a tee too, but push yourself out of your comfort zone and have fun with what you put on your body. You’ll be surprised at how it actually makes you feel, and how your day just seems to start off that much better. Trust me. 🙂

I hope you all feel excited to try some fun colors this week! And as promised, I have some items linked below for you. Hope you all have a great weekend!